Poster Presentation Cancer Survivorship 2017

Webinars providing education and empowerment for cancer survivors and health professionals. (#65)

Jill Mills 1 , Annie Miller 1
  1. Cancer Council NSW, Kings Cross, NSW, Australia


Webinars provide online delivery of evidence based information specifically developed for Cancer Survivors, families and their carers. They may be viewed on any digital device and are accessible 24/7, regardless of location. They educate Health Professionals regarding survivorship issues to help support their patients after treatment.


To provide evidence based information and strategies for cancer survivors in an accessible, cost effective and sustainable manner.


Webinars are delivered live online, with the webinar recording and follow-up resources provided by email and accessible online, at any time, on any digital device. Cancer survivors tell their story in relation to the topic being addressed, providing an important factor of ‘normalising’ the cancer experience. Eminent health professionals deliver current evidence based information addressing the highest unmet needs of cancer survivors.


Twenty webinars have been conducted since April 2014, resulting in excess of 6,000 registrations. Nearly 50% of all people who registered have watched the live or the recorded webinar, with a cost of $12.35 per head. Of those who registered 36% were cancer survivors, 10% family and/or carers, 13% in treatment, 26% Health Professionals and 15% opted not to answer. 43% completed the exit survey after the live webinars. The survey found that 90% of people increased their knowledge, 89% were provided with strategies and 84% were confident they could apply those strategies.


Webinars provide a convenient forum to engage and empower cancer survivors regardless of their personal circumstances to obtain new information. Further research is required to assess the noted intention of participants to implement lifestyle strategies and the translation of this intent into behavioural change, or further help seeking. Also, to investigate if Health Professionals are referring clients to the webinar resources.