Poster Presentation Cancer Survivorship 2017

"Engage Community Forums" An initiative developed and driven by GI Cancer survivors and carers (#59)

Dan Kent 1 2
  1. AGTIG, Avoca, QLD, Australia
  2. AGITG?GICI Consumer Advisory Panel, Avoca, QLD, Australia


GI Cancer survivor and carer members of the GICI/AGITG CAP have been the developers and drivers of a series of Forums to raise community awareness about gastro-intestinal cancers, treatments, clinical trials, support services and survivorship.



Engage Community Forums have been held in all Australian capital cities, excluding Darwin, and in regional and larger suburban centres of Newcastle, Gawler, Albury, Orange, Bundaberg, Epping, Hawthorne and Mt Pritchard in the period 2013-2016.  


Engage Forum programs include expert clinician speakers on the aspects  of GI Cancer - the Big Picture, Latest Advancements in Research and Treatments, allied health professionals on Quality of Life aspects, together with a personal ‘survivorship’ experience story.  Forum programs have been tailored to meet any indentified local needs.  Question Time followed by refreshments and around table displays by organisations such as Colostomy Association, Cancer Council, Look Good Feel Better. These organisations provided an additional source of information/support for attendees.


GICI/AGITG CAP members guided the development of the program, selection of speakers and relevant local contacts, groups and organisations.  GICI/AGITG staff provided the support necessary to implement the Forums.



Over 1200 people attended in total, and highly positive feedback was obtained.


Early successful capital city Forums in 2013 encouraged the GICI/AGITG CAP to suggest holding forums in rural and regional areas. Forums in regional areas were enabled by a Cancer Australia Supporting people with cancer Grant during 2014-16.



Engage Community Forums are an initiative established by survivors and carers to raise awareness of gastro-intestinal cancers and encourage participation in clinical trials.  This collaboration between survivors, carers, GICI/AGITG, cancer clinicians and local communities is a novel model that is helping address regional inequalities in cancer outcomes, improve screening numbers and increase clinical trial participation.