Oral Presentation Cancer Survivorship 2017

Survivorship in Australia– making change happen (#3)

Sanchia Aranda 1
  1. Cancer Council Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Cancer Council estimates that there are over 1.1 million Australians living with or following a diagnosis of cancer with Australia having amongst the best cancer outcomes in the world. However, many within this growing cohort of survivors live with ongoing physical, emotional, occupational, social and economic sequalae of cancer and its treatment.  How our health and social systems can best respond to these needs will be the focus of this presentation. 

Starting with the Australian policy landscape the presentation will examine Government and non-Government responses to the core components of the cancer survivorship experience. It will explore survivorship challenges including variations in access to quality survival, regulatory and funding issues in delivering quality survivorship and the need for system redesign to address survivorship care.  successfully deliver best care for survivors now and into the future.  The presentation will cover a range of recommended reforms of our system to successfully deliver best care for survivors now and into the future.