Oral Presentation Cancer Survivorship 2017

Family matters: How cancer impacts parents, partners, offspring, and siblings? (#31)

John Friedsam 1 , P Patterson 1 , F.E.J. MacDonald 1
  1. CanTeen, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The psychosocial impact of cancer on adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients is substantial and well-established. There has also been an increased focus on psychosocial difficulties extending into survivorship, with higher levels of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and distress commonly reported amongst AYA survivors. In addressing the supportive needs of this age group, it is important to consider their place in the family context. Parents, siblings, and partners can help young patients adjust to the impact of their cancer and this support has been associated with improved psychosocial outcomes. However, poor family functioning can intensify the negative impacts of cancer. Moreover, AYAs who are not patients themselves can also be negatively impacted by familial cancer if a parent, partner or sibling is diagnosed, and can even experience higher levels of distress than the patient. This impact can also extend into survivorship. Considering familial influences and supporting the family are important considerations in strengthening patients’ wellbeing. This presentation will focus on ways in which family members can be practically supported.